Your Christmas meal with Burgundy wines: the best food and wine pairings

Christmas dinner is one of the most important meals of the year for many people. It’s a time for family and friends to get together and enjoy an excellent meal. If you’re a wine lover, you’re probably looking for the best food and wine pairings for your Christmas meal. Burgundy is known as one of France’s finest wine-growing regions, and it offers a wide range of wines to accompany your Christmas meal. Heritour Voyage‘re going to give you the best advice on how to achieve the perfect match between your dishes and Burgundy wines.

1. White Burgundy wines

Burgundy white wines go perfectly with seafood, fish and white meats, such as Christmas turkey. If you opt for seafood, a Chablis is an excellent choice. It’s dry and mineral, so it enhances the finesse of seafood. If you prefer fish such as salmon, a Meursault is more appropriate. This wine is round and fat, with ripe fruit aromas that marry perfectly with the flavors of the sea.

2. Burgundy red wines

Burgundy red wines are renowned for their complexity and elegance. If you’re serving red meat for your Christmas dinner, a Gevrey-Chambertin is the perfect choice. Tannic, it goes perfectly with the richness of the red meat. If you prefer a lighter meat, such as veal, a Volnay is more appropriate. This wine is lighter and more acidic, accompanying the white meat served at Christmas. Pommard or Beaune wines are also recommended with mature cheeses. 

3. Burgundy sparkling wines

How can you miss sparkling wines for your Christmas dinner? They go perfectly with aperitifs and desserts, at the beginning and end of the meal. A Crémant de Bourgogne is a dry, refreshing sparkling wine that goes perfectly with oysters or smoked salmon. For dessert, the red fruit notes and sweetness of a Crémant rosé are appreciated.Choosing the right wines for your Christmas dinner is essential for a perfect food and wine pairing. Burgundy wines are an excellent choice to accompany your Christmas meal. Their minerality and acidity blend perfectly with a wide range of dishes. Don’t forget to consider the flavors of your dishes when choosing your wine, and don’t hesitate to ask an expert for advice. Merry Christmas and happy wine-tasting!
